How do we want to work, research and teach at the University of Göttingen? How do we want to lead and be led? We want to find answers to these questions together with you. Answers that enable everyone…
… to enjoy working,
… to stay healthy despite growing demands and changing conditions,
… to experience digitalization as an enrichment, not as a burden or threat,
… to be able and allowed to do a good job.
So that In Publica Commoda does not remain an empty phrase!

What we are working towards
Our ver.di list is committed to a University of Göttingen at which

Facilitation Management
… the performance of each and every employee in the entire facility management organisation counts.

Working in Research and Teaching
… all those working in research and teaching have contractual and working conditions that are conducive to their career development, and prospects for staying are transparent and fair.
What we stand for
Building on the experience of recent years, we want to further develop and modernise the work of the Staff Council. In the newly elected Staff Council, we want to advocate the following:
Being in contact with each other
- Regular communication
- Surveys and feedback
- Working groups and workshops

Build up and obtain expertise
- Information exchange with ver.di
- University-public statements
- Training and further education
„The future of Göttingen University can only be shaped together.“

Katrin Wodzicki
Staff and Organisation Developer